Indian Traditions MCQ's Question Bank


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1. As per saptang theory of state which one is not the element of state? 
(a) Swami
(b) Amatya
(c) Janpadh
(d) Business
ANS - d
2. Which of the following heterodox Indian Philosophy was very popular during the time Bindusara (Mauryan Emperor)?
(a) Vaisheshika
(b) Ajivika (Fatalism)
(c) Unchedvadi (Materialism)
(d) Nityavadi (Eternalism)
ANS - b
3. Which of the following Indian philosopher who was the first disciple of Vardhaman Mahavira? 
(a) Ajita Kesakambali
(b) Makkhali Gosala 
(c) Pakudha Kaccayana
(d) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
ANS - b
4. Ramayana, the great Indian epic, which every Indian child grows up learning about, is also the world's longest poem, with over 3 million verses. Which city is described as the birthplace of the main protagonist, Lord Rama? 
(a) Varanasi
(b) Dwaraka
(c) Ayodhya 
(d) Kashi
ANS - c
5. What is the meaning of kosha as per saptang theory? 
(a) Treasury 
(b) Army
(c) Mitrani
(d) Durga
ANS - a
6. Not all families are identical. Which of the following is/are the distinguishing feature(s)?
(a) Number of members
(b) Their relationship with one another varies
(c) Kind of activities they indulge in
(d) All of the above
ANS - b
7. Which all are the stages of evolutionary theory? 
(a) Tribal state
(b) City state
(c) Feudal state
(d) All of these
ANS - d
8. Traditional Hindu society was divided into...... Varnas base on occupation of an individual. 
(a) Three
(b) Four 
(c) Five
(d) Seven
ANS - b
9. The staple foods of the vedic Aryans was : 
(a) Barley and rice
(b) Milk and its products 
(c) Rice and pulses
(d) Vegetables and fruits
ANS - b
10. Which one of the followings is the oldest theory regarding the origin of state? 
(a) Force Theory
(b) Patriarchal Theory
(c) Social Contract Theory
(d) Divine Origin Theory 
ANS - d
12. Mahabharta was first written by ……………………. 
(a) Tulsidas
(b) Veda Vyasa 
(c) Valmiki
(d) None of the above
ANS - b
13. Chanakya, the famous teacher of Chandragupta Maurya, was associated with 
(a) Vikramshila
(b) Takshashila 
(c) Vaishali
(d) Nalada
ANS - b
14. The most famous educational centre during the period of Mauryan age was 
(a) Nalanda
(b) Ujjain
(c) Takshila 
(d) Vaishali
ANS - c
15. Great hero from Mahabharata who lived a life such a way today he is another name for
generosity, loyalty and Giving daan(free gifts as per demand of people) to people is: 
(a) Bhisma
(b) Nakul
(c) Karan 
(d) Arjun
ANS - c
16. Who helped in stopping sati paratha? 
(a) Kuber
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy 
(c) Karna
(d) Arun Mukherjee
ANS - b
17. Which is not a Buddhist literature? 
(a) Vinay Pitaka
(b) PurVas 
(c) Suta Pitaka
(d) Abhidham Pitaka
ANS - b
18. Harappan Script use…………………………… with signs representing birds, fish and humans. 
(a) Written script
(b) Pictographic script 
(c) Symbolic script
(d) None of the above
ANS - b
19. The ultimate goal of education in Jainism is 
(a) Non-violence
(b) Renunciation
(c) Liberation 
(d) Philanthropy
ANS - c
20. The seven limbs of state do not include:
(a) King
(b) Queen 
(c) Territory
(d) Treasure
ANS - b
21. Which of the following philosophies are most tilted to individualism? 
(a) Jainism 
(b) Samkhya
(c) Buddhism
(d) None of these
ANS - a
22. Gurunanak was the founder of ………………………. 
(a) Sikhism 
(b) Virasaivism
(c) Vaishnavism
(d) none
ANS - a
23. The four fold varna system become strong and rigid during the 
(a).Early vedic age
(b).Later vedic age 
ANS - b
24. In which place Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon? 
(a) Kushinagar
(b) Sarnath (Banaras) 
(c) Patliputra
(d) Rajgir
ANS - b
25. The Arthashastra refers to a practice of ……………………that arose in India. 
(a) Economic activity
(b) Political diplomacy 
(c) Policy making
(d) None of the above
ANS - a
28. In the early Vedic period, Varna system was based on. 
(a) Education
(b) Birth
(c) Occupation 
(d) Talent
ANS - c
29. What are the various functions of state? 
(a) Economic function
(b) Political function
(c) Social function
(d) All of the above 
ANS - d
30. Which one of the following stages of life in Aryan society in ascending order is correct? 
(a) Brahmacharya- Grihashta- Vanaprastha- Sanyasa 
(b) Grihastha- Brahmacharya- Vanaprashta- Sanyasa
(c). Brahmacharya- Vanprastha- Sanyasa- Grihastha
(d). Grihastha- Sanyasa- Vanaprastha- Brahmacharya
ANS - a
31. Which of the following was/were the means of acquiring wealth for men? 
(a) Inheritance
(b) Conquests
(c) Acceptance of gifts
(d) All of the above. 
ANS - d
32. The four Dravadan languages Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam developed their own
literature………………………. being the oldest of these languages. 
(a) Tamil 
(b) Telugu
(c) Kannada
(d) Malayalam
ANS - a
33. Which of the following statements is correct for patritiny? 
(a) Wife was claimant to the throne and other resources in case of death of the king.
(b) Sons could claim the throne and the resources. 
(c) Only the eldest son could claim these.
(d) None of these
ANS - d
34. Which of the following is not school of Heterodox Indian Philosophy? 
(a) Vaisheshika 
(b) Ajivika (Fatalism)
(c) Unchedvadi (Materialism)
(d) Nityavadi (Eternalism)
ANS - a
35. The Bharamcharya state of stages of life implies: 
(a) Householder
(b) Student
(c) Renunciate
(d) Forest walker
ANS - c
36. “Ayurveda has its origin in 
(a) Rig veda
(b) Sama Veda
(c) Yajur Vead
(d) Atharva Veda 
ANS - d
37. Who among the following considered as the first known proponent of Indian materialism? 
(a) Purana Kassapa
(b) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
(c) Pakudha Kaccayana
(d) Ajita Kesakambali
ANS - a
38. Which of these Rani performed Jauhar? 
(a) Rani Tulsi
(b) Rani Padmavati 
(c) Rani Vrinda
(d) Rani Kaushliya
ANS - b
39. The saints of the Bhakti movement advocated ………………….. 
(a) devotion of God 
(b) rituals
(c) superstitious beliefs
(d) none
ANS - a
40. What are the number of elements of state? 
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 7 
(d) 9
ANS - b
41. Which of the following are called Purusharta? 
(a) Dharma
(b) Artha
(c) Kama and Moksha
(d) All the above 
ANS - d
42. The earliest Buddhist works were in Pali, which was spoken………………………….. 
(a) Magadha and South Bihar 
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Rajasthan
(d) North Bihar
ANS - a
43. Ramayana was first written by…………………………… 
(a) Tulsidas
(b) Sage Vyasa
(c) Valmiki 
(d) None of the above
ANS - c
44. The word ‘Upanishad’ has been derived from the root ……………………. 
(a) Sad- To sit 
(b) Upa
(c) Ni
(d) None of the above
ANS - a
45. Shankaracharya was born at in Kerala 
(a) Kaladi 
(b) Talwandi
(c) Mewar
(d) None
ANS - a
46. The seven limbs of state do not include: 
(a) King
(b) Queen 
(c) Territory
(d) Treasure
ANS - b
47. The system under which woman can marry more than one husband and keep all of them with
herself is known as: 
(a) polyandrous 
(b) polygamous
(c) patronymic
(d) procreation
ANS - a
48. How many Tirthas were mentioned in Arthashastra? 
(a) 16
(b) 18 
(c) 26
(d) 30
ANS - b
49. The ‘Saptanga Theory of State’ (Theory of Seven Limbs of the State) was propounded by : 
(a) Kautilya in Arthashastra 
(b) Manu in Manusmriti
(c) Kalhana in Rajatarangini
(d) Banabhatta in Harshacharita
ANS - a
50. In which language were Buddhist literatures written? 
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Prakrit
(c) Hindi
(d) Pali 
ANS - d
51. Which one of them is theory of state formation? 
(a) Evolutionary theory
(b) Social-contract theory
(c) Force theory
(d) All of the above
ANS - d
52. The Brahmi script is the earliest writing system developed in India after the ……………………………. 
(a) Harppan script
(b) Indus Script 
(c) Hindi literature
(d) None of the above
ANS - b
53. Restrictions on women in ancient India included: 
(a) No Property Rights
(b) Dressing
(c) Not allowed to Sleep alone
(d) All of the above 
ANS - a
