
Indian Traditions MCQ's Question Bank

  Indian Traditions, Cultural & Society MCQ's Use CTRL+F to Search by Keyword Exclusive Question Bank with answers... -------------------------------------------- 1. As per saptang theory of state which one is not the element of state?  (a) Swami (b) Amatya (c) Janpadh (d) Business ANS - d -------------------------------------------- 2. Which of the following heterodox Indian Philosophy was very popular during the time Bindusara (Mauryan Emperor)? (a) Vaisheshika (b) Ajivika (Fatalism) (c) Unchedvadi (Materialism) (d) Nityavadi (Eternalism) ANS - b -------------------------------------------- 3. Which of the following Indian philosopher who was the first disciple of Vardhaman Mahavira?  (a) Ajita Kesakambali (b) Makkhali Gosala  (c) Pakudha Kaccayana (d) Sanjaya Belatthiputta ANS - b -------------------------------------------- 4. Ramayana, the great Indian epic, which every Indian child grows up learning about, is also the world's longest poem, with over 3 million verses.